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Guide to Data Charter for Citizen Science. A basis set of principles to support open and interoperable citizen science data

december 2021
Departement Economie, Wetenschap en Innovatie
With the Data Charter for Citizen Science, Scivil, the Flemish knowledge centre for citizen science (CS), provides a guide to achieving well-documented data in a citizen-science project. The charter is for everyone who wants to start or participate in a citizen-science project, i.e. both project initiators and participants (citizen scientists) from all sectors of the ‘quadruple helix’ (citizens, public authorities, scientific institutions, private organisations). A citizen-science project is any project that attempts to gather knowledge or insights in a scientifically responsible manner, together with or by citizens. This guide for citizen science data was created to offer citizen science initiators a frame of reference for the specific challenges of data management in citizen science projects. The guide contains 26 statements covering open data, privacy and ethics, data hygiene, data standards and formats and metadata. This roadmap was originally written in Dutch for a Flemish audience in a Flemish context. It has now been translated to English, for European and wider dissemination
December 2021
Wetenschappelijk onderzoek