Verslag workshop "Personalised nutrition for better health - targeting the microbiome"

Gepubliceerd op 12 oktober 2017

We organiseerden op 10 en 11 oktober voor de tweede keer met de OESO een workshop over het (menselijk) microbioom.

> Een impressie van de tweedaagse vind je hier terug

> Presentaties zijn hier te bekijken (in het programma - per spreker)

> Het verslag (Engels) is onderaan deze
pagina te downloaden

Uit het verslag:

Researchers, innovators, data managers, regulators, representatives of industry, OECD, European Commission and Flemish Government came together to have a fruitful exchange of information and debate.

The key messages that came from the workshop were amongst others that despite of the large amount of research and significant progress made, a lot of unknown functions, variables and correlations remain that need further research.

Experts warned for the hype and overselling of the prospects in this field, but at the same time they were convinced that this field will further develop and new applications based on the new insights will be developed. Many challenges towards such new applications were identified, including the big data challenge, the regulatory issues, training and education of health workers and consumers, and even policy was mentioned as a hurdle. Nevertheless, the overall conclusion was that it is worth tackling these barriers to realise the promised potential.

Kathleen D'Hondt
Afdeling Onderzoek

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